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The Curious Columnist Logo

Quirky commentary on life for

the curious among us.

Girl with Bookshelves
Brush Strokes

Well, "Why am I here?" is perhaps THE existential inquiry, but more on that later. The Curious Columnist was created for inquisitive folks like you - deep thinkers who march to a beat all their own, in pursuit of meaning during this crazy adventure known as "life".

This blog is a colorful, eccentric, empowering locale in which venting, pondering, laughing, and learning are always on the agenda. It's brimming with real talk - sometimes with fancy verbiage and always with a sense of humor. Although posts are based on one gal's rather quirky life experiences, this virtual kingdom is not about one person; It's a gateway sparked by a singular story.

Your internal GPS routed you here for a reason - maybe for understanding, maybe to magnify our mutual voices, maybe for an inspired perspective. Regardless of your "why," I'm glad you're here (like on the planet) and also, here (like on this blog). Welcome to The Curious Crew.

Jennifer Silverman - Photo Credit - Kellie Boston of Boston Photography

Hi there! I'm Jennifer, The Curious Columnist.  Cyberspace is a vast terrain with many a fascinating blog. My sincere thanks for taking this one for a spin. I hope it's love at first post. Let the scrolling commence!

Sky and clouds image by Diego PH
Heart stone image by Tim Mossholder
Sunset mountain image by Simon Berger

A topic smorgasbord:

Risk-taking, Shirley MacLaine, aha moments, and Captain Hook to name a few. Intrigued? 

Let's gab about all things relationship: From grief to gaiety, fury to forgiveness, and dating to divorce. You in?


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